Fertilizer Solutions

Professional turf managers understand that fertilization does more to improve or maintain turfgrass than any other management practice. 

The need for quality, consistency, and performance when applying nutrients starts with what’s in the bag.  Ask for Award® Turf Fertilizer by name.

For over 25 years, EC Grow has offered custom solutions along with a diversified portfolio of high-performance fertilizers that continue to deliver results.  

Best Management Practices for Turf Fertilization in the Midwest

  1. Never apply fertilizer to frozen ground.
  2. Do not apply fertilizer products when the threat of heavy rain is imminent.
  3. Annual nitrogen (N) application rates should be in the range of 2–3 lbs per 1000 ft2 (M) per year. Rates as high as 3.5 lbs N/M can be justified as the length of the growing season increases in more southerly regions of the Midwest.
  4. Slow release or stabilized urea content should be in the range of 50–70% annually.
  5. Quick release N should be no more than 0.5 lbs N/M per application.
  6. Late fall fertilization should be completed by the end of October.
  7. Phosphorus should only be applied when phosphorus soil test levels are deficient. Consult the state or county extension office to determine deficiency levels for phosphorus.
  8. Organic fertilizers, such as composts, manures, etc., can generally be used even though they contain phosphorus, and regardless of soil test P levels. However, check with the state or country extension service as some municipalities may ban all forms of phosphorus fertilization, including organic sources.
  9. Using strictly organic fertilizers may, over a number of years, lead to high soil test P levels and the possibility of excessive P runoff and leaching.
  10. Sanitation—removing fertilizer, tree leaves, and clippings from impervious surfaces—is an important means to reduce nutrient movement into surface waters.
  11. Accurate and regular calibration is critical to applying the correct rate of fertilizer nutrients.

Award® Turf Fertilizer

We equip our distributor partners with fertilizer products tailor-made for professional turf managers.  The Award family of products is easily identified by the color-coding on the bag.  

  • Blue-All mineral or products that do not contain a chemical combination
  • Dark Green-Preemergent containing Dimension + Fertilizer
  • Plum-Preemergent containing Barricade + Fertilizer
  • Light Green-Preemergent containing generic Prodiamine + Fertilizer
  • Red-Broadleaf Weed Control + Fertilizer
  • Yellow-Insecticide + Fertilizer

You can rely on Award Turf Fertilizer to deliver the essential nutrients that healthy turf needs.

Mini-Sized Product (150 SGN)
Greens Grade Product (90 SGN)

Prolinks® Golf Course Products

Golf course turf management is an exercise in managing plant stress–with turf mowed daily, heavy traffic, and areas of shade contributing to significant stress. 

Prolinks® Golf Course Products may be used for foliar fertilization to replenish the necessary nutrients needed for sustained growth and overall health.  

Available in both 150 SGN (fairway-sized) and 90 SGN (greens-grade), EC Grow provides custom blends for peak plant performance.

Labor Efficient Programs

Labor shortages have impacted all businesses in the green industry.  Utilizing a program that encompasses proven, long-lasting insecticides & herbicides, along with controlled-release nitrogen for extending feeding, allows businesses to better satisfy current customers’ needs without sacrificing results.

Reducing your granular fertilizer applications from 5 to 3 with EC Grow’s Labor Efficient Programs (LEP) will have a significant positive impact on your bottom line, your ability to provide the best service, and gets more out of each applicator.
